Register for free to start sending money to Ukraine, or log in to your Western Union profile and send money online from virtually anywhere.
Send money onlineSave time and transfer money to Ukraine on the Western Union® app. You can also start your transfer on the app and pay later at an agent location.
Download the appVisit any agent location across Germany and send money to Ukraine in cash, so your loved one can receive their money transfer in a way that suits them.
Find locationConveniently send money straight to your receiver’s bank account in Ukraine. They receive funds direct to accounts held with most major banks.
Discover moreSend money direct to your receiver’s Visa or MasterCard debit card. Enjoy convenient and reliable money transfers for you and your receiver in Ukraine.
Send to cardYour friends and family can pick up cash from any agent location across Ukraine.
Find LocationsEnjoy easy repeat money transfers to Ukraine.
Check transfer fees2 and currency exchange rates from EUR to UAH/USD.
Track your transfers to Ukraine on-the-go.
Cover the costs of your money transfer to Ukraine with Sofort. Choose as your payment method and redirect to your online banking tool to send money with ease.
Transfer money for cash pickup in UAH, USD or EUR when you pay online or at an agent location. Check currency conversions with no obligation before you send.
Check your email or physical receipt for a unique tracking number (MTCN). Use and share this with your receiver to track your transfer to Ukraine.
Make a transfer to Ukraine online using a bank transfer, Sofort or credit1/debit card, or use cash at an agent location. You can also use Apply Pay® on our app.
Our commitment to security and fraud prevention efforts with encrypted transfers to Ukraine provides peace of mind.
Transfer money to Ukraine and beyond with our international reach that extends to more than 200 countries and territories.
Send money to an agent location in Ukraine for cash pickup in minutes3 – in Ukrainian hryvnia, euros or US dollars.
Arrange transfers to Ukraine in advance to save time and make sure you never miss a deadline or special occasion.
Register, arrange a transfer and save your receiver’s details in Ukraine to make fast future transfers.
With Western Union you can transfer money easily to a Ukrainian credit card if you pay the transfer online. To do this, simply select “Debit or credit card” as the option to receive the amount required, a payment method and click “Continue”.
If you want to transfer money to a Ukrainian account, simply select the appropriate option when transferring with Western Union.
Your first online transfer to a bank account or debit/credit1 card is free of transfer fees. Western Union offers full rates for all other transactions and full transparency and displays all fees automatically. To do this, start an online transfer and enter the amount required as well as a payment and receipt method. In the summary you can find all important information such as the transfer amount, the transfer fee and the expected transfer time at a glance.
You cannot make a SEPA transfer to Ukraine because the country is not part of the SEPA payment area. However, Western Union offers practical alternatives: You choose which payment method you want to use to transfer money to Ukraine and simply send the amount to a Ukrainian bank account.
If you want to transfer money to Ukraine with Western Union, your first online transfer is to a bank account or debit/credit card with no transfer fees. For all other transactions, you can see all fees at a glance without any hidden costs if you send money online.
Once you have completed the form, you will see a summary of all the important information such as the current exchange rate and the transfer fees2. There is no obligation to complete the transfer. You can therefore accept the conditions and continue, change your selection or cancel the process.
Western Union offers various payment methods for transfers to Ukraine. If you make the transfer in cash at a Western Union location, the money can either be collected in cash or transferred to a debit or credit card. You also have the following options for paying for online transfers:
If you do not want to withdraw the money in cash when transferring online, you can also transfer it to a Ukrainian bank account or debit card.
With Western Union, your money will arrive in Ukraine in minutes or up to three business days. The exact duration of the transfer depends on how you make it, pay for it and which option you choose for the withdrawal:
Our system automatically shows the anticipated transfer time before you carry out the transaction.
Visit our FAQs or simply get in touch. Our customer care team is on hand to help.
Ready to start sending money? Here are just some of the other countries you can transfer money to from Germany.
1 If you use your credit card, card issuer, cash advance fee and associated interest charges may apply. Use a debit card to avoid these fees and charges. Subject to location facilities.
2 Western Union also makes money from currency exchange. When choosing a money transmitter, carefully compare both transfer fees and exchange rates. Fees, foreign exchange rates and taxes may vary by brand, channel, and location based on a number of factors. Fees and rates subject to change without notice.
3 Funds may be delayed or services unavailable based on certain transaction conditions, including amount sent, destination country, currency availability, regulatory issues, identification requirements, agent location hours, differences in time zones, or selection of delayed options. For mobile transactions funds will be paid to receiver’s Mobile Wallet account provider for credit to account tied to receiver’s mobile number. Additional third-party charges may apply, including SMS and account over-limit and cash-out fees. See the transfer form for restrictions.