Send money to Australia

Send money to your nearest and dearest in Australia today. Get the exchange rate from GBP to AUD so you can transfer money from the UK to Australia in minutes1.


    FX: 1.00 GBP – Exchange Rates and Fees vary by payment and payout options and are subject to change. To check other options, simply click Get Started. X Fee:

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    How to send money to Australia

    Western Union can help you to quickly and reliably send money to loved ones in Australia. Here are the four key steps you need to take:

    Convenient ways to send and receive money

    Discover how to transfer money to Australia from the UK with Western Union. Choose the best way to send money below with our reliable and flexible payment methods.

    Choose the way you pay

    Using your bank details

    Cash at an agent location

    With a credit card2 and debit

    Ready to send money?

    Send money to Australia in a few taps with our app

    Download and use the app to send money to Australia on the go.

    Regularly transferring money to Australia? Save your receiver details to resend with a few taps.

    Start your money transfer to Australia on the app and complete in-store for a fast process.

    Rating as of 10 March 2025.

    More information on how to send money to Australia

    Reasons to choose Western Union®

    Send the way that suits you

    Transfer money to Australia online, via our app or at a Western Union location – for your friends and family to collect for cash pickup or delivered direct to their bank account.

    Committed to security

    Every money transfer to Australia is protected by our encryption and fraud prevention measures. Plus, you can track any transfer with the provided MTCN.

    Proud heritage

    At Western Union®, we are proud to have helped people send money around the world for over 150 years.

    Register for free

    Create a free profile to start sending money to Australia from the UK. Transfer pound sterling into Australian dollars and choose from our receiving options to send money online today.

    Sign up to send money to Australia today

    Local locations

    Transfer money from the UK to Australia from your closest agent location for your friends and family to collect at their nearest Western Union location – from Perth to Brisbane.

    Send again with ease

    Use the unique tracking number (MTCN) to track your transfer online or via our app.

    Schedule when to send money

    Use the Money Transfer Control Number (MTCN) emailed to you after arranging a transfer when sending money to Australia and share with your receiver to follow the money.

    Schedule money transfers to Australia

    Sending money to Australia regularly? Schedule a reminder via the website or the app to make sure you never forget to send.

    Treat your loved ones on special occasions

    No matter the occasion, whether birthdays, Christmas or anything else, your loved ones will receive their money on time when you send money to Australia with Western Union. Schedule and track your transactions using our trusted service.

    Ready to send money to Australia?

    If you’re ready to register to set up your first money transfer to Australia you can do so now, or you can check out our FAQs below to find out more about what the best way of sending money to Australia is for you.

    Frequently asked questions

    How do I send money to Australia from a Western Union agent location?

    You can transfer money from the UK to Australia from one of thousands of agent locations. To do so:

    1. Head to your nearest Western Union location.
    2. Bring along the bank or account details of your receiver. You also need to provide identification, which could be your passport, full driving licence (EU) or provisional licence (UK only), national identity card (EU only with the exception of UK), EU residency card, emergency/temporary passport, emergency travel documents or a ships passport.
    3. Arrange the money transfer and pay for it using your debit, credit card2 or cash.
    4. Use the Money Transfer Control Number (MTCN) on your receipt to track your transfer.

    Can I transfer money from the UK to an Australian bank account?

    Yes, sending to a bank account is one of the available receiving methods for sending money from the UK to Australia with Western Union.

    What information do I need from my receiver to send money to Australia?

    If you’re sending money to Australia, whether via the website or using the app, you can enter your loved one’s banking details – or just provide their name and address to send funds for cash pickup at an agent location.

    How much money can I send online to Australia?

    You can send up to £799.99 to Australia from the UK and its territories without providing extra ID. To transfer more money your identity needs to be verified online.

    You can send up to £50,000 to Australia via bank transfer in some cases. However, any transfer above AUD $10,000 must comply with Australian laws. This means certain details will be shared with the regulatory body AUSTRAC (Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre). These can include:

    • Both you and your receiver’s names and contact details (including SWIFT code).
    • The receiver’s banking details, including your bank account number.
    • The amount sent.
    • Details of the business – when sending money to Australia on behalf of a company – including your employment and its Australian Business Number (ABN).

    How do I estimate the cost to transfer money to Australia?

    When you start a money transfer to Australia you can see:

    • The current exchange rates3.
    • How much you send in GBP and what the receiver gets in AUD.
    • Any transfer fees3 and the transfer total.

    Transfer fees3 can vary depending on your payment method and how they receive the money, which is reflected in the transfer total. This transparency makes it clear how much it will cost you to send money to Australia. See how much it could cost you to transfer money to Australia today.

    Still have questions?

    Visit our FAQs or simply get in touch. Our customer care team is on hand to help.

    1 Transfer speed and fund availability may be affected by factors such as service choice, amount, destination, currency, regulations, ID requirements, and system availability of our banking partners. Not available for all transactions. See Terms for details.

    2 Additional third-party charges may apply.

    3 Western Union makes money from currency exchange. Fees and rates subject to change without notice.